2024 | Professional
Entrant Company
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Youjiete Eco Center is located in Hangzhou, and its design inspiration comes from the interaction between nature and the city. The ground floor takes the open layout as the starting point to share the space with users. You can reach every building interface through the street, inner courtyard, stairs, and landscape greenway. People will experience this future headquarters office building in a different angle. The tower and podium are staggered at different levels to form multiple aerial platform gardens, creating a spatial relationship of dialogue inside and outside the building, fully demonstrating user friendliness.The glass curtain wall of the tower is dominated by vertical lines, which strengthens the vertical dynamic, and is disconnected and protruded at the corners.
Entrant Company
RELM, Inc/SALT Landscape Architects
Landscape Design - Concept Design
Entrant Company
Shenzhen Dena Household Articles Co.,LTD
Product Design - Kitchen Accessories / Appliances
Entrant Company
Starprint Public Company Limited
Packaging Design - Self Promotion
Entrant Company
Architectural Design - Sustainable Living / Green