2024 | Student
Entrant Company
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This assistive device is specifically designed for hearing-impaired which offers features such as weather updates, time display, temperature information, activity date notifications, and alarms. It can be easily connected to household appliances for convenient operation. After setting the working time, the sensor flashes lights to provide visual cues. It allows the user to easily access information, enhancing their quality of life and independence for a more autonomous and free lifestyle.
Entrant Company
Lyu Meiyi/Ning Xinger
Product Design - Student Design
Entrant Company
Old carpenter Luban (Beijing) Doors and Windows Co., LTD
Product Design - Windows, Doors
Entrant Company
vari architects
Architectural Design - Commercial Building
Entrant Company
Juwon Jeon
Fashion Design - Prêt-à-porter / Ready-made