2021 | Professional
Entrant Company
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A Cash Recycling ATM that can be configured to be freestanding for a Banking Lobby, or a " Hole In the Wall " for use outside.
Being Multifunctional it can dispense cash and accept bunch cash deposits via recycling technology. It can also accept multiple cheque bunches that can be cashed to the penny. The User interface has a new layout that provides an improved experience for consumers and improved Marketing opportunities for the Bank.
Traditionally ATM’s only dispense cash – but there is also a demand throughout the world for ATM’s to accept cash - large amounts of cash - and typically at the end of the day for small businesses that handle many cash transactions. The ability to accept bundles of checks and have them immediately credited to account, or cashed, is also a benefit for small businesses owners and consumers. This new ATM provides both these capabilities.
Entrant Company
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