2022 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Lux Progressio

Entrant Company

Andra Munro Design


Lighting Design - Designer / Custom Lighting

Client's Name

Karen & Chris Spragg

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Lux Progressio (Latin for Light Evolution) forms a stunning bespoke ceiling lighting that can be adapted to any luxury home. It spans some 9 metres square and it’s made up of over 3500 small handcrafted textured porcelain pieces.

Housed within the piece is a custom-cut LED light source that diffuses as it passes through the translucent textured porcelain, breathing life throughout the breadth of the piece, giving it a somewhat living appearance.

It has an intricate organic form, appearing like it’s growing and spreading up onto the ceiling. This is surfaced with textured porcelain inspired by tree barks and leaves, the clients’ everyday inspiration from their local surroundings.

A connection between the client and their ceiling lighting has been established from the very beginning that will stand the test of time not only through the lifetime warranty of the product but through this unique emotional relation.

This is a versatile lighting design with durable and natural materials used like aluminium expanded mesh, porcelain, stainless steel and steel. The porcelain pieces have been irregularly cut hence no waste in creation of the forms.

The steel structure is handcrafted by local blacksmith aiding not only local craftsmen but a trade that is steadily declining.


Andra Munro Design
Andra Munro
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