2022 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner

AGAMEDE – High-throughput Screening Laboratory

Entrant Company

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (IBCH PAS)


Interior Design - Other Interior Design

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AGAMEDE is mentioned by Homer 1200 BC as the first European female scientist and therefore a fitting namesake for the high-throughput screening laboratory. The combination of robotics and artificial intelligence is a breakthrough. Most automated laboratories still require an operator to read the results and plan experiments whereas AGAMEDE interprets the biological experiments without human involvement. It may be used in diagnostics, drug discovery and personalized medicine. Its design refers to ancient Greece and is a tribute to the beginnings of scientific thinking in our civilisation, especially to women in science. The planning paid attention to the laboratory space in which hi-end scientific instruments were placed. A clean room for cell cultures, windowless in most places, was given a completely new look, breaking with previous standards. Glass panes and pastel lights were added to allow constant observation and control of the system without having to wear cleanroom suits. Dedicated snow-white cubes made by solid surface material were specially designed in-house to hide wires, connect gas lines and enhance aseptics. The installation is facilitated by high-resolution 4K monitors and cameras. The result is a robotic state-of-the-art facility that looks both antique and futuristic.


Radosław Pilarski
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