2023 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Coolness and Calmness

Entrant Company

Interior Concept Works


Interior Design - Sustainable Living / Green 

Client's Name

Mrs Huang

Country / Region


In the realm of contemporary interior design, sustainability has evolved to encompass a holistic approach, this project focuses on air quality, water quality/conservation, and optimal use of natural light as a demonstration of ecologically responsible interior design.

First and foremost, air quality was the first primary concern in this project. The project placed great emphasis on utilizing materials and finishes that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and additional steps to treat formaldehyde was taken. Additionally, a smart 24 hour ventilation systems was installed to ensure a constant supply of fresh air and efficient circulation, promoting a healthy living environment free of pollutants.

Water quality was the next sustainable element to tackle. The use of a hard-water treatment machine was installed to ensure that all water entering the project was consumable. On top of this, the highest water-saving rating fixtures were used to minimizes water wastage and reduces the demand on local water resources. Smart water management practices, combined with eco-friendly materials, contribute to a project that is both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

Natural light, a cornerstone of sustainable design, is thoughtfully incorporated to minimize the need for artificial lighting. Large windows which have special low-e windows installed allow an abundance of daylight to flood the interior spaces, creating a bright, inviting atmosphere. Not only does this approach reduce energy consumption, but it also enhances the occupants' well-being and connection to the outdoors.

Furthermore, this sustainable interior design project extends its focus on light by utilizing energy-efficient LED fixtures and automated lighting systems. Occupancy sensors and timers are employed to optimize lighting usage, ensuring minimal energy waste while providing adequate illumination when needed.

In conclusion, the project prioritizes air quality, water quality/conservation, and optimal use of natural light sets a precedent for environmentally conscious design. By intertwining these elements seamlessly into the design process, the project showcases how sustainability can be both aesthetically pleasing and ecologically responsible, contributing to a healthier and more mindful way of living.

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