2024 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Clearwater Bay Lot 11

Entrant Company



Landscape Design - Residential Landscape

Client's Name

Agile Group

Country / Region

Hong Kong SAR

Hainan Clearwater Bay Lot 11 is a premier seaside resort community in southern China. The project is a landscape renovation for one of the existing residential parcels within the development. Seven towers sit within the approximate 23,700 square-meter site area, which the client wishes to align with the overall positioning as a high-end resort residential project.

Overall, the goal was to amplify the landscape for a refined resort lifestyle and sophisticated design statement, one that connects and expresses the leisure quality and exclusivity of the project. It demonstrates how an enhanced landscape design can uplift the quality of a living experience. The project team came up with five design strategies.

RE-FRAME: Utilize the existing landscape to create a new project identity. Existing landforms are not defined and cause spatial-level relationship issues. Better coherence will be created within the study area.

REDEFINE: Create more defined tower entries and access. The tower entries will be further refined based on their proximity to the road frontage.

RE-PROGRAM: Redistribute new leisure, play activities, and key moments within the site. Currently, the landscape integrates minimal programming. To encourage future residents to spend more time outdoors and with their family, a new pool area, shallow pool playscape, pavilions, decks, and various activity gardens are proposed. The additional programs aim to create a vibrant backyard space on the northside area.

RE-CONNECT: Develop a more interesting path and program system. The current road constrains the southern landscape area. As part of the concept, a portion of the road is converted into a landscape area that accommodates additional activities and enhances the space for tower entrances.

RE-PLANT: Organize new refined landscape layers that enclose and define the community spaces and architecture.

RE-IMAGINE: Create new nodes and amenities that activate and enliven the landscape and community.


Principal in Charge / Landscape Design
David Jung
Project Director / Landscape Design
Kan Srisawat
Associate / Project Manager
Stacy Deng
Landscape Designer
Sky Kwok
Landscape Designer
Kurt Chan
Project Landscape Designer
Josh Saengwanloy
Project Landscape Designer
Gary Cheng
Project Landscape Designer
Yiu Lun Cheng
Landscape Designer
Ryan Yao
Project Landscape Designer/ Planting Designer
Terrence Li
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