2024 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Bewatec lithium back and leg lifting electric mattress

Entrant Company

Bewatec(Shanghai) Medical Equipment Co.


Product Design - Aids / Prosthetics

Client's Name

Bewatec(Shanghai) Medical Equipment Co.

Country / Region


This lithium back and leg lifting electric mattress is an assistive device designed to improve the home bed care experience for individuals with impaired lumbar spine strength, such as pregnant women, the elderly, and post-surgical patients. It is based on ergonomic principles and can enhance the self-care ability of daily living, reduce the burden of care on family members, and promote a more comfortable and independent lifestyle.

Unlike other assistive devices, this product does not require installation and can be used directly on the bed, thereby saving costs associated with bed replacement or installation. The product's design enhances flexibility and provides users with a practical and economical option for assisted lifting. In comparison to other straight push assists available in the market, the device's design features a double backward roller stranding point system that allows the backboard a slight backward incline during lifting, preventing abdominal compression and enhancing the user's comfort of sitting up in bed.

This assistive device also includes a leg lift function that can promote blood circulation, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and prevent muscle atrophy after prolonged periods of lying down. The product features a dual motor control system, enabling smooth lifting and lowering at angles of 5-65° of the back and 0-40° of the legs. The back-leg linkage lifting and lowering shortcut keys facilitate the synchronization of back and leg lifting actions. The device's silent motor ensures noise-free lifting and lowering, offering users a peaceful and comfortable experience. Additionally, the safety handrails on the upper side of the device protect sleeping individuals and assist those in getting out of bed.

The mattress is operated by an intelligent remote control that is easy to use, quick, and labour-saving, making it ideal for older people. The removable, washable, breathable mattress prevents the risk of bedsores and improves hygiene and health. Additionally, the device includes a removable dining tray table, expanding its functionality and practicality, making it useful for entertainment, dining, and watching films in bed.

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