2024 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner


Entrant Company

Suofeiya Home Collection Co.,Ltd


Interior Design - Residential 

Client's Name

Suofeiya Home Collection Co.,Ltd

Country / Region


The project space is centered around the concept of "nature" and aims to achieve harmonious coexistence between human settlement and nature.

The spatial field is separated and connected through the hierarchical relationship of building blocks, creating a migration route that is open and smooth. The living room is designed as an independent and open activity field. The sunshine and green landscape enter from the french window, creating a flowing vitality. At the same time, the overall project uses a large area of beige fabric texture as the spatial tone, paired with natural wood colors, combined with various elements such as lighting, glass, metal, stone, etc., and uses soft decorations to soften the tough temperament of the space. The harmonious and quiet living atmosphere echoes the outdoor scenery, constructing a courtyard style scene ecology embraced by nature.

The company's excellent "customized cabinet system" runs through the aesthetics of the space, ensuring the storage needs of the space. The texture and texture of the cabinet board are realistic, green and environmentally friendly, which can improve the utilization and biodegradability of wood, provide users with a more comfortable and healthy living environment, and also promote the sustainable development of nature.


Suofeiya Home Collection Co.,Ltd
Jiansheng Ke
Suofeiya Home Collection Co.,Ltd
Bing Wang
Suofeiya Home Collection Co.,Ltd
Xiaoke Huang
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