2024 | Professional
Entrant Company
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The design brief stipulated delivering a bright, modern experience with a fun interactive draw. An efficient and simplified setup was required to keep costs down during an inflated cost period.
Oversized 80” monitors with halo lit frames filled the center of the booth to display the client’s iconic marketing and informational videos. An interactive mirror photo booth was chosen to further engage the booth visitors in a fun social media linked activity. One-on-one demo areas surround the perimeter of the booth.
Entrant Company
Shanghai Shutian Space Design Co., Ltd.
Interior Design - Showroom / Exhibit
Entrant Company
Sheng Hui Interior Design Co.
Interior Design - Residential
Entrant Company
YASEN Doors and Windows
Product Design - Windows, Doors
Entrant Company
Golden Jade Construction & Development Corp.
Architectural Design - Residential