2024 | Professional
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The client is a lifestyle blogger who likes flower arrangement, baking, and decorating the house. She hopes to change the soft decoration of furniture according to her preferences in the future.Taking into account her unique aesthetic sense and lifestyle, we have designed a residence that can adapt and present diverse facets in harmony with her changing likes. This home not only encapsulates the warmth of family and the joys of daily life but also showcases a liberal and fluid design language that embraces a multitude of styles, embodying an eco-friendly and sustainable living philosophy.
UShine Space Design, endeavor to redefine the realm of residential design by introducing a home with "multiple personalities." In this abode, space is liberated from the constraints of fixed functions and layouts, transforming into a stage that freely evolves according to the homeowner's current preferences. We endow the space with the power of freedom and flexibility, enabling it to effortlessly accommodate furniture and soft furnishings of various styles. Through the transformation of decor, it showcases diverse atmospheres. This design not only satisfies the homeowner's quest for a personalized living environment but also reflects a profound understanding of environmental protection and sustainable development.
Entrant Company
SED Landscape Architects Limited
Landscape Design - Residential Landscape
Entrant Company
Deutsche Telekom Design & Customer Experience
Product Design - Telecommunications
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Sherwood Design
Interior Design - Home Décor
Entrant Company
Interior Design - Residential