2020 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner

The Brandish River

Entrant Company

Chin-shr Interior Design


Interior Design - Residential

Client's Name

Country / Region


The client owns the barrel broiled chicken chain restaurant in southern Taiwan who is heroic, calm and restrained. He not only grabs the essence of traditional cooking, but also combines with novel ideas to bring a food chain feast that breaks through the traditional framework. In the design plan, the designer has tried to integrate the client's personalities, both local and trendy, into the visual of the space to build this house rather comfortable corresponding to the client himself. The pattern of the detached house needs to be properly arranged, creating a convenient and comfortable moving flow, integrating the development of vertical and horizontal dimensions for the space configuration of each floor so that the client can enjoy himself in it. This case is a single-family house with five-story. The built-in elevator equipment brings the advantage of convenient vertical movement. Between different floors, the designer has divided different fields with nomadic blocks, also integrating the use of the public area for all family members in the attitudinal zonation of the building. The visual construction of the space is based on the Chinese style and combines with a variety of different materials to express the modern and novel design. Through the linear change, the excessive restraint of the Chinese style is appropriately balanced, while reducing the exaggeration and gorgeousness of the neoclassical American style which precisely expresses the client's idea of the combination of east and west, accompanying by light and moderate fusion style.

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