2020 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Light up 13 Layer Heritage

Entrant Company

Taiwan Power Company


Landscape Design - Landscape Renovation

Client's Name

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In 2017, Taiwan Power Company integrated its arts and cultural assets in the "Shua-Jin-Jiu" area. Through art, they tried to subvert the "Shau-Nan Dong Refinery”, which is classified as a pollution control site. At the same time, combining many good causes with people who care about this land and have aspirations. Also, the company has appointed international lighting masters Zhou Lien along with Yi-Xin Lighting Design Consultants working together to launch the “13-layer heritage” lighting project. After many visits by the design team, it is clear that the unique natural life of this area empowered its spirit. At night, the silent darkness engulfs the mountain city, only the lights of the settlements on the sides of the mountains and the sporadic fishing light in the distance were visible.

The relationship between the environment, culture, and people is the core of this design, lighting only plays a supporting role and should not overwhelm the protagonist. Therefore, the concept of overall lighting was conceived in order for the night-time light to coexist in harmony with nature. With the tolerance of Mother Nature as the illumination design concept, lighting is gently decorated around the site. As the famous Chinese philosopher, Zhuang Zi once said, "There is great beauty in heaven and earth without words,". At nightfall, illumination extended the soul of history. Everything became quiet and timeless, and the light was the Helmsman steering this magnificent boat.


Chou Lien
YI.ng Lighting Design Consultants
Wen Ying Chu
YI.ng Lighting Design Consultants
Ping Yi Liu
Joyce Ho Studio
Joyce Ho
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