2022 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Beijin Xidan JoyCity 2F Jewelry Theme Zone

Entrant Company



Interior Design - Commercial

Client's Name

Xidan Joy City Co.,Ltd.

Country / Region



GARDE was in charge of the interior design of the jewelry theme zone on the second floor of Xidan Joycity in Beijing, China.

GARDE has designed a brand editorial theme zone that concentrates jewelry brands that mainly target young people in one corner of the facility.Instead of a classical space with a sense of dignity that emphasizes the luxury of a traditional jewelry store, we designed a BrandMix space with a café space where people can casually drop by. As a result, a diverse “My First” space was created.

The concept keywords are (1) Mine (mine/my) and (2) Shine (the shine of jewelry/the sparkle of life), derived from the characteristics of jewelry. To realize the concept, the space was designed to evoke the image of a mine with softness, brightness, cleanliness, and calmness. While respecting the concept and spatial expression of each brand, we created a wonderful space with a sense of unity as a zone.

【Design Concept】

The creation of a space for an area and how it can be perfectly integrated with commerce is our focus and a source of design inspiration. Precious metals and jewelry belong to mineral resources, which are processed through mining. We take the commodity property of gold and jewelry area as the design entry point, extract Mine - [mining] as one of the key words, and derive [mine, pit] as the design language of spatial interpretation.

The entire space is cleverly utilized as a ribbon, vividly expressing the designer's approach to space. Along the curved corridors, winding pits add a ribbon-like softness that naturally leads visitors inside, and each store is like a branching treasure area, attracting everyone to continue exploring and discovering. The light inside each store shines through irregularly sized openings in the storefront partitions.

In terms of aesthetic creation, considering the current epidemic, we decided to embed micro-landscapes into the space, signifying hope and the future. Scattered throughout the public areas, you will experience a simple yet mysterious, tranquil and soothing garden-style shopping space.

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