2022 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Silver Winner

Admiralty Station Extension

Entrant Company

MTR Corporation Limited


Architectural Design - Transportation

Client's Name

The Government of the HKSAR

Country / Region

Hong Kong SAR

Upon its extension across the harbour, the 46-km East Rail Line (EAL) consists of 16 stations including the new terminus Admiralty Station which becomes the only mega interchange station in the MTR network with four-line interchanging (Existing Tsuen Wan Line, Island Line, South Island Line and East Rail Line). EAL passengers arriving at this station can change to other lines easily without exiting the paid area; travelling time will be significantly reduced.

The EAL has been serving Hong Kong for over a century. The EAL Cross-Harbour Extension marks a major historic milestone for the EAL as it extends across Victoria Harbour to the core business district in Hong Kong, connecting the New Territories, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island as well as increasing the coverage and connectivity of the railway network with more travelling options for the public.

The Admiralty Station Extension connects four existing railway lines underground, it massively expands under the operating Admiralty Station and railway lines, which is extremely complex and challenging. With the new underground Admiralty Station Extension being the terminus of the EAL and an interchange hub, transporting passengers smoothly from platform to platform is crucial. 34 new escalators are provided in the new extension connecting multi-level platforms and concourse. A unique and spacious atrium, over 30m tall, becomes a signature feature of the station which provides a space for vertical transportation. To draw natural light into the atrium and provide passengers with a comfortable travelling experience, a stunning skylight is designed next to the new exit at street level. This new exit connects to the footbridge network which brings passengers to nearby buildings like the Central Government Office.

Besides, to enrich the travel experience for the passenger, a colorful suspended artwork “Mapping Our Way”, designed by American artist Talley Fisher has been installed in the spacious new atrium to represent the four railway lines converging at the station.


Arup Hong Kong Limited
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