2023 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner

Grand Dongshan

Entrant Company

Huahui Engineering Design Group Co Ltd


Architectural Design - Hotels & Resorts (NEW)

Client's Name

Chunhui Industrial Group

Country / Region


Grand Dongshan sits next to the 600-acre-Dongshan Lake,adjacent to the source of the world's celadon. As an important stop on the road of Tang poetry in eastern Zhejiang, it is a model of the new "Mountain Residence" for Chinese aesthetic resort hotels.

The design is based on the Jiangnan architectural, without overly elaborate decorations, but let the building return to elegant and low-key, simple and unpretentious. It has traditional meaning and modern aesthetics. The courtyard culture is used to carry the past and the present, and the four seasons are created with exquisite plants, flower windows, and pond corridors with flowers, and craftsmen are invited to set up drip tiles, eaves lace, and flying eaves ac cording to the ancient system, so that the beauty of the building can be achieved with fine carving.

Due to the topographic constraints, the overall architecture of Grand Dongshan View presents a symmetrical but unstable equilibrium. The hotel axis space spreads out layer by layer to create a progressive spatial experience such as the welcoming gate, elegant lobby, warm guest rooms and lake-front garden, reflecting the secluded aesthetics of classical garden architecture.

Facing the undulating Dongshan Mountain and the majestic Dongshan Lake, the building is built by the mountain and facing the lake, stacking down towards the lake, meeting the requirements of the planning height limit while increasing the viewing interface and the hydrophilic nature of the hotel building, so that every guest room can see the mountain, see the water, hear the insects and birds, allowing modern life to be integrated into the natural context of watching the mountain and water.

We try to nestle the building in the site,to integrate the building into the landscape and environment,using traditional Chinese architectural practices to create a quiet Jiangnan style and elegance,to create a life witha poetic rhythm in Grand Dongshan View.

Find a green mountain and lake, and spend a few days in seclusion in peace. Perhaps this is the modern interpretation of the ideal life and ancient elegance described in Xie Lingyun's "Mountain Dwelling Fugue" by Grand Dongshan View.


Design Leader
Xinghua Hu
Design Team
Qiufang Tang
Design Team
Danhong Zhu
Design Team
Qimin Jiang
Design Team
Minqi Lai
Design Team
Zhiyue Li
Design Team
Jiandong Pan
Design Team
Zhiqi Dong
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