2024 | Student
Entrant Company
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Every fleeting instant is a first-time passing by, that forms eternity, flowing in the essence of “one is all and all is one.” The changing of subject and object between garment and human is conveyed through the dissolving human structure and the interplay within them. The clothe is wearing us, we are one and one out of one.
Since the theme is about the process of overall life form in a macroscopic perspective, it would be the best to transform the world into one of the materials. To start from a microscopic perspective—my own moments and memories , I edited the photos I take as I traveled around Europe and Taiwan, and turned them into prints.
On the other hand, The dyed fabric which was made with dough, paint and hot stamping foil paper symbolizes the “process” of presence itself—for you can’t duplicate the exact same texture of each piece of the fabric with the method, it’s a metaphor of the uniqueness of every moment, so every instant is a first time. In order to convey the concept of “one is all and all is one.”, it was natural for me to put down the consciousness as a human being, and to think of it as part of the flow in the bigger “one”. The gradually dissolving and twisted structure from look1 to look5 and the exchangeable shirts are the best ways to describe the subtle changing of subject and object between garment and human, which can be projected to anything.
Entrant Company
Leszek Kalandyk, LK & PROJEKT Architects
Architectural Design - Residential
Entrant Company
CCL Architects & Planners
Architectural Design - Residential
Entrant Company
Interior Design - Civic / Public
Entrant Company
Kun Shan University
Interior Design - Student Design