2021 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner

The Longevity Boutique

Entrant Company

Mountain design studio


Interior Design - Commercial

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Embed the wooden truss on the original high ceiling to bring about the aesthetic finishing of vintage and modern, moreover, by means of the connection between the local pastry shop and the folk beliefs, bright up the charm of an old house, so as to achieve the upshot of activating the space for displaying the products. Thereupon, the pastry of traditional consecrating meaning not only serves in the mourning ceremony, further being more appreciate on the celebration of birthdays. In addition to presenting the youthful and friendly atmosphere of the shop, the design team pays attention to the internal and external layout of local culture, consequently, fashions the exclusive and inviting shop of peach-shaped products.

With the expectation not only to lock up the loyal customers, moreover, aim to attract the young tourists to appreciate the products, therefore, the design team to exploit the creative cultured packaging and the stylish layout to create the captivating feature. In view to respect the property owner's decision, hence, plan the configuration base on the traditional essence, at the same time valued the specific cultured features; ultimately produce the exclusive local specialty beneath the global trend.

With the belief of "people are the reason that space and products exist", so we go all in to plan an appealing space for presenting and selling goods. While paying attention to transmit the charm of the historical shop, also focus on the brand value; hope to set up a nostalgic yet trendy space of abundant humanistic implication.

Make use of pine wood as the construction material, which is not only to purchase with no difficulty, moreover, it is a standard green building material of harmlessness and non-toxic. In the meantime, it echoes the factor of the pastry shop of making the reassuring products. The wooden truss of the sequential structure and assort with the lights of square and round shapes, thence, brighten the whole circumstance and generate fresh and vivid texture.


Lead Designer
Ming-sheng Chang
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