2019 | Professional
Entrant Company
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A system of classification which makes complicated information about coffee like types, flavors, origin, roasting levels and processing methods sorted by the idea of poker. The designer has also visualized numerous information and figures to help consumers choose the coffee they like intuitively and easily. The high-density fibrous paper has been chosen for the product. The application of the wasting materials of the fir forest has reduced the stress on the local environment which also expresses the charm of natural Hokkaido on the paper about. The natural materials applied are easy to decompose which also interpret the coffee grounds made in the grinding process. The Pantone 871u rich gold has been applied to the box of the gift box which represents the golden ground growing the coffee trees. aqueous coating and overprinting techniques have been applied to the box to make the golden color greater, gold tooling technique has been applied to build up "the wall of the kingdom of best coffee". The golden ratio and the golden cut have been used to make the illustrations, the four suits represent the four processing methods individually. The best geometric appearance is successfully built up by the form, the colors, the stories and the elements of coffee.
Entrant Company
InSpace Interior Design Ltd.
Interior Design - Restaurants
Entrant Company
SHUMI LOVE DESIGN (TM) Branding Agency
Packaging Design - Wine, Beer & Liquor
Entrant Company
Fayi Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Interior Design - Bedrooms
Entrant Company
Esther Postpartum Care
Interior Design - Hospitality