2022 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner

The Beauty of Time

Entrant Company

MT Interior Design Co.


Interior Design - Residential

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The design combines the family's kind and warm personality with the multi-dimensional thinking of "enhancing space utilization" and "preserving comfortable privacy" to create a different experience of spaces.

The design of "The Beauty of Time" is a harmonious approach to linking the relationship between the fields and the areas. The entire space is designed to meet the family's diverse living and social activities. In addition, through the appropriate use of different material layers and the interpretation of different light sources, the space can transmit a warm, comfortable and delicate atmosphere so that the family can deeply experience the warmth.

This project realizes the family's imagination of home. Home is no longer just a place to stay but also a place where family members can enjoy the happiness of family reunion.

As the sun sets and the sky darkens, the steps to return home begin to lighten. Closing the door when returning home is a symbol of blocking out all the hustle and bustle from the outside world, allowing the mind and body to return to peace and the fullness of healing that comes from home.

Therefore, the whole space is based on the modern serene, gorgeous texture as the main theme, interlocked with the composition of the gentle wood veneer, the stability of stone, titanium plating, and other elements. The public space is a combination of the unrestricted layout of the reception area, the display area, and the dining area so that the visual space is unobstructed to show a more spacious feeling.

At the same time, sliding doors hidden in solid wood veneer gently delineate the corridor to the private space, which uses a large area of sculpted white titanium stone to create a feeling of gradual transformation and sedimentation.

Under the same tonal design, each bedroom is shaped into a different personal space by colors, materials, and furnishings to preserve each member's preference and create a private and satisfying joyful experience.


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