2020 | Professional

MUSE Design Awards Gold Winner

Exhibition for Movie Detention

Entrant Company

4Cus Creative


Interior Design - Showroom / Exhibit

Client's Name


Country / Region


The movie Detention is adapted to the Taiwanese Puzzle Game called RED CANDLE GAMES. It takes the White Terror happened in 1911 as the background with the elements such as horror of suspense film and folk beliefs reincarnation and turns the historical horror into the real horror by powerful visual technique. The project is creating a temporary space in the Taipei Cinema Park in Xi Men Ding. In terms of the design, we keep the essential in the core spirit of the movie and combine them with historical background of Taiwan to attract the game player and film fans to come. Other than the entertainment, the space also contains in educational information for young generation to know the truth of historical event of White Terror so that they can get the balance between art and reality as well as give arise of their thinking for it. A neglected door of Cui Hwa Senior High School stands in the front of the space with several staggered black on white seals on it. When goes with the existed red-brick building in the movie park and movie poster, it creates the suspense atmosphere. The space is divided into three areas as the movie did, which are “The Nightmare of Reincarnation”, “Who Are Informers” and “the Survivor.” The designer reconstructs the movie scenes, gives the clever traffic flow to connect the areas together and enlarges the audience range through media exposure. Apart from delivering the profound idea, the designer brings the space into full play. After seeing the areas, it will call attention to the visitors silently that the freedom and the human rights they have are not easy to come by and write down a words on their mind gently.


Designer / 4Cus Creative
Ching-Wen Wang
Designer / 4Cus Creative
Po-Jui Chiu
Hsing-Han Fu
Chi-Chung Fan
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